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Sokolova E.A., Malkova N.A., Korobko D.S., Rozhdestvenskii A.S., Kakulya A.V., Khanokh E.V., Delov R.A., Platonov F.A., Popova T.Y., Aref'eva E.G., Zagorskaya N.N., Alifirova V.M., Titova M.A., Smagina I.V., El'chaninova S.A., Popovtseva A.V., Puzyrev V.P. и др.
PLOS ONE. 2013. 8(4), e61032.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061032

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a serious, incurable neurological disease. In 2009, the ANZgene studies detected the suggestive association of located upstream of CD40 gene in chromosome 20q13 (p = 1.3×10(-7)). Identification of the causal variant(s) in the CD40 locus leads to a better understanding of the mechanism underlying the development of autoimmune pathologies. We determined the genotypes of rs6074022, rs1883832, rs1535045, and rs11086996 in patients with MS (n = 1684) and in the control group (n = 879). Two SNPs were significantly associated with MS: rs6074022 (additive model C allele OR = 1.27, 95% CI = [1.12-1.45], p = 3×10(-4)) and rs1883832 (additive model T allele OR = 1.20, 95% CI = [1.05-1.38], p = 7×10(-3)). In the meta-analysis of our results and the results of four previous studies, we obtain the association p-value of 2.34×10(-12), which confirmed the association between MS and rs6074022 at a genome-wide significant level. Next, we demonstrated that the model including rs6074022 only sufficiently described the association. From our analysis, we can speculate that the association between rs1883832 and MS was induced by LD, whereas rs6074022 was a marker in stronger LD with the functional variant or was the functional variant itself. Our results indicated that the functional variants were located in the upstream region of the gene CD40 and were in higher LD with rs6074022 than LD with rs1883832.

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Назаренко М.С., Марков А.В., Лебедев И.Н., Слепцов А.А., Королева Ю.А., Фролов А.В., Барбараш О.Л., Барбараш Л.С., Пузырев В.П.
Генетика. 2013. Т. 49. № 6. С. 783-787.
DOI: 10.7868/S0016675813060076

Недавно была показана надежная ассоциация однонуклеотидных полиморфных вариантов (SNPs) региона 9p21.3 с риском развития заболеваний, в основе развития которых лежит атеросклеротическое поражение сосудистой стенки. Однако патофизиология данного локуса изучена недостаточно. В настоящем исследовании впервые оценен профиль метилирования ближайших картированных генов ингибиторов циклин-зависимых киназ CDKN2A (p16INK4a и p14ARF) и CDKN2B (p15INK4b) в тканях сонных артерий у больных атеросклерозом. В результате не выявлено аберрантного метилирования ДНК анализируемых участков генов в тканях из области атеросклеротических бляшек и предлежащей макроскопически неизмененной сосудистой стенки у тех же самых больных.

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Панкова О.В., Перельмутер В.М., Денисов Е.В., Тузиков С.А., Миллер С.В., Васильев С.А., Скрябин Н.А.
Сибирский онкологический журнал. 2013. Т. 60. № 6. С. 26-30.

Роведен сравнительный анализ связи между характером дисрегенераторных изменений, возникающих в смежном с опухолью бронхиальном эпителии, и развитием рецидивов плоскоклеточных и железистых карцином легкого. Проведенное исследование не выявило связи между такими параметрами первичного опухолевого процесса, как размер опухолевого узла, наличие лимфогенных метастазов, стадия процесса и рецидивирование плоскоклеточного рака и железистой карциномы легкого. Частота возникновения рецидивов при немелкоклеточном раке легкого находится в опосредованной связи с характером дисрегенерации респираторного эпителия в слизистой бронха вне опухоли. С высокой частотой рецидивы при плоскоклеточном раке и аденокарциноме легкого возникали в случаях сочетания базальноклеточной гиперплазии с плоскоклеточной метаплазией (БКГ+ПМ+).

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Zheykova T.V., Golubenko M.V., Buikin S.V., Botkina O.Y., Puzyrev V.P., Tsimbaliuk I.V., Maksimov V.N., Voevoda M.I.
Russian Journal of Genetics. 2013. 49(3), 359-362.
DOI: 10.1134/S1022795413020130

Life span depends on many factors, including the level of reactive oxygen species, like superoxide radical. Superoxide radical is produced from oxygen in the course of the oxidation of NADPH to NADP+. The process is catalyzed by NADPH oxidase. In this study, genotype and allele distributions of the C242T (rs4673) polymorphism in the CYBA gene, which encodes the α subunit of NADPH oxidase (p22phox), were examined in the sample of long livers and in the population sample of the city of Tomsk. Statistically significantly higher frequency of T allele among female long livers (34.625%), compared to the females from Russian population (26.32%) was demonstrated (χ2 = 5.226; p = 0.022; OR = 1.48). Thus, the T allele is associated with a high life expectancy in females from the Russian population. No such association was observed for males from the same population.

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Nizamutdinov I.I., Zasedatelev A.S., Nasedkina T.V., Andreeva T.V., Rogaev E.I., Stepanov V.A., Marusin A.V.
Molecular Biology. 2013. 47(6), 827-835.
DOI: 10.1134/S0026893313060101

A biological microchip (biochip) has been developed to study the genetic predisposition to sporadic form of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The biochip allows of genotyping of ten genetic polymorphisms within APOE, TOMM40, APOJ, EXOC3L2, GAB2, A2M, CR1, BIN1, and PICALM genes. The assay includes the amplification of the loci of interest and subsequent allele-specific hybridization of the fluorescently labeled amplicons with oligonucleotides immobilized on the biochip. The genotyping of 166 patients and 128 controls revealed a significant association of APOE allele ɛ4 with susceptibility to AD (OR = 2.275, 95% CI 1.045–4.954, p = 0.034). Protective effects were observed for APOE allele ɛ2 and CLU (rs11136000) allele T (OR = 0.215, 59% CI 0.090–0.516, p = 0.001 and OR = 0.679, 95% CI 0.47–0.99, p = 0.042, respectively). A gene-gene interaction analysis revealed two AD-associated genotype combinations, APOE ɛ3/ɛ4 GAB2 G/G (OR = 2.49, 95% CI 1.43–4.32, p = 0.001) and APOE ɛ4/ɛ4 GAB2 G/G (OR = 3.55, 95% CI 1.23–10.24, p = 0.015). Based on the results of the combined multivariate analysis, an algorithm was developed to identify the individuals having a higher risk of AD.

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Vasilyev S.A., Kubes M., Markova E., Belyaev I.
International Journal Of Radiation Biology. 2013. 89(4), 301-309.
DOI: 10.3109/09553002.2013.754555

Abstract Purpose: Human hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) are thought to be a major target of radiation-induced leukemogenesis and also provide a relevant cellular model for assessing cancer risk. Cluster of designation 133+ (CD133+) is a marker found in human progenitor and hematopoietic stem cells. Our study examined the repair of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) in CD133 + umbilical cord blood cells (UCBC).

Materials and methods: After γ-irradiation, endogenous and induced DSB were evaluated in CD133 + UCBC, CD133 - UCBC and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) in terms of phosphorylated histone 2A family member X (γH2AX) and tumor suppressor p53 binding protein 1 (53BP1) foci.

Results: We found that repair signaling in CD133 + UCBC is different from CD133 - UCBC and PBL. These differences include lower endogenous DSB levels and higher 53BP1 recruitment.

Conclusions: Our data, together with a recent report on radiation-induced γH2AX and 53BP1 foci in CD34 + cells, indicate enhanced DNA repair capacity in HSC as compared to mature lymphocytes.

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Nazarenko M.S., Markov A.V., Lebedev I.N., Sleptsov A.A., Puzyrev V.P., Frolov A.V., Barbarash O.L., Barbarash L.S.
Molecular Biology. 2013. 47(3), 352-357.
DOI: 10.1134/S0026893313030084

Currently, the question of epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation in the context of cardiovascular diseases is of considerable interest. Here, DNA methylation profiles of vascular tissues of atherosclerotic patients have been analyzed for the first time using the Infinium Human Methylation27 BeadChip microarray (Illumina, United States). As the result, within 286 genes, 314 CpG sites that varied significantly in the level of DNA methylation between the tissue samples of carotid (in the area of atherosclerotic plaques and nearby macroscopically intact tissues of the vascular wall) and mammary arteries, as well as saphenous veins have been identified. The most pronounced differences in the methylation level was registered for CpG sites of homeobox genes HOXA2 and HOXD4, as well as the imprinted MEST gene. In particular, these genes were found to be hypomethylated in the carotid atherosclerotic plaques compared to their methylation patterns in intact tissues of internal mammary arteries and saphenous veins.

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Skryabin N.A., Tolmacheva E.N., Lebedev I.N., Zavyalova M.V., Slonimskaya E.M., Cherdyntseva N.V.
Molecular Biology. 2013. 47(2), 267-274.
DOI: 10.1134/S0026893313020131

For the first time, the epigenetic status of breast benign proliferative processes, malignant breast tumors, and metastases to regional lymph nodes has been studied using the GoldenGate Cancer Panel I DNA methylation microarray (Illumina, United States). The functional groups of differentially methylated genes were identified in each set of samples. The aberrant methylation of genes that regulate cell proliferation and mobility was found in the samples of benign proliferative breast processes. The aberrant methylation of genes responsible for cell differentiation and proliferation, as well as protein phosphorylation and cell mobility, was observed in the samples of malignant breast tumors. The differential methylation of the genes that regulate cell adhesion, the formation of anatomical structures, angiogenesis, immune response, signal transduction, and protein phosphorylation were found in samples with metastases to regional lymph nodes compared to the unaltered breast epithelium. It was found that tissues that range from benign proliferative processes and metastases to regional lymph nodes were generally characterized by a relatively lower level of epigenetic variability compared to the tissues of the primary tumor.

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Freidin M.B., Bragina E.Y., Puzyrev V.P., Saltykova I.V., Deeva E.V., Ogorodova L.M.
Russian Journal of Genetics. 2013. 49(4), 473-475.
DOI: 10.1134/S1022795413040054

Analysis of association of allergic rhinitis with the KCNE4 gene rs12621643 variant was conducted in Russian residents of West Siberia (taking into account comorbidity with bronchial asthma). It was found that, among individuals without bronchial asthma, the frequencies of the KCNE4*G allele and KCNE4*G/G genotype are significantly higher in patients with rhinitis compared to individuals without it. At the same time, no association of rs12621643 with rhinitis was detected in the group of individuals with bronchial asthma. The data obtained indicate the association of the KCNE4 gene variability with allergic rhinitis, although the effect of this gene relative to the development of the disease can be leveled against a background of the manifestation of another atopic disease.

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Tolmacheva E.N., Kashevarova A.A., Skryabin N.A., Lebedev I.N.
Molecular Biology. 2013. 47(3), 373-381.
DOI: 10.1134/S0026893313030175

The methylation profiles of the placental tissues of human embryos with normal karyotype and trisomy 16 were compared using an Infinium HumanMethylation27 BeadChip array (Illumina, United States). Numerous differences between the extraembryonic tissues with diploid and aneuploid karyotypes were observed. The extraembryonic mesoderm of embryos with trisomy 16 appeared to be less methylated than the diploid tissue, whereas the cytotrophoblast of aneuploid embryos was hypermethylated. The presence of the supernumerary chromosome was shown to influence the epigenetic profile of the genome by changing the level of methylation of CpG sites of all chromosomes. However, the largest number of differentially methylated loci was found on chromosome 16. Furthermore, more often, the epimutations were tissuespecific. In both tissues, the hypomethylated genes belong to the groups of genes responsible for different metabolic processes, whereas the hypermethylated genes control the processes of development, cell adhesion, immune response, and response to stimulus.

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Polovkova O.G., Makeeva O.A., Goncharova I.A., Kulish E.V., Puzyrev V.P., Lezhnev A.A., Shipulin V.M.
Molecular Biology. 2013. 47(3), 382-388.
DOI: 10.1134/S0026893313030102

The calcineurin signaling pathway plays a crucial role in the heart remodeling of a different nature, in the development of left ventricular dilatation, and in the progression of heart failure. Components of the calcineurin pathway are involved in the regulation of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, angiogenesis, and apoptosis. In this study, quantitative expression profiles were determined for major calcineurin pathway genes PPP3CA, PPP3R1, PPP3CB, GATA4, and NFATC4 in the myocardium of the right atrium auricle in patients with ischemic heart disease who underwent different types of surgery depending on the severity of clinical symptoms as follows: surgical reconstruction of left ventricle (LV) geometry (post-infarction aneurysm) or coronary artery bypass grafting (unaltered LV morphology). In patients with sizable post-infarction LV dilatation (n = 21), the expression levels of calcineurin catalytic subunit genes PPP3CA and PPP3CB were 1.3 and 1.6 times lower (p = 0.018 and 0.023, respectively) than in patients with unaltered heart shape (n = 34). The differences in expression levels of PPP3R1, which encodes calcineurin regulatory subunit B and levels of GATA4 and NFATC4, which encode transcription factors, were not significant. Thus, decreased PPP3CA and PPP3CB expression in the atrial myocardium may be a marker of significant post-infarction LV remodeling. The further investigation of the relationship between expression levels of calcineurin pathway genes and the degree of myocardial damage may provide useful insights for predicting adverse events in cardiosurgical treatment of patients with post-infarction heart remodeling.

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Kharkov V.N., Khamina K.V., Medvedeva O.F., Simonova K.V., Khitrinskaya I.Y., Stepanov V.A.
Russian Journal of Genetics. 2013. 49(12), С. 1236-1244.
DOI: 10.1134/S102279541312003X

The gene-pool structure of Tuvinians was examined in terms of the composition and frequency of Y-chromosome haplogroups in five geographically distanct populations. In the Tuvinian gene pool, a total of 22 haplogroups were identified with six of these, which were the most frequent (C3c, C3*, N1b, N1c1, Q1a3, and R1a1a). It was demonstrated that eastern regions of Tuva were most different from the other regions in haplotype frequencies. The evaluation of genetic diversity based on the frequencies of biallelic haplogroups and YSTR haplotypes revealed very high diversity values for all samples. In general, the genetic diversity values identified in Tuvinians were the highest for the indigenous ethnic groups of Siberia. The evaluation of the genetic differentiation of the samples examined using the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the gene pool of Tuvinians was relatively poorly differentiated with respect to haplogroup frequencies. Phylogenetic analysis within haplogroup N1b revealed strong founder effect, i.e., reduced diversity and star-like phylogeny of the median network of haplotypes, which formed a separate subcluster exclusive to Tuvinians. It was demonstrated that, in Tuvinians, haplogroup N1c1 was the most heterogeneous in haplotype profile and consisted of three different haplotype clusters, demonstrating considerable differences of western population from the rest of the Tuva populations. Phylogenetic analysis of haplogroups revealed common components for Tuvinians, Khakasses, Altaians, and Mongols.

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Min'zhenkova M.E., Shilova N.V., Markova Z.G., Antonenko V.G., Kozlova Y.O., Zemlyakova V.V., Zolotukhina T.V., Lebedev I.N.
Russian Journal of Genetics. 2013. 49(10), 1072-1077.
DOI: 10.1134/S1022795413100062

The present work was aimed at generating the dynamic standard reference intervals (DSRI) and their application for chromosomal-aberration (CA) analysis. The evaluation of the generated DSRI was performed using the DNA samples from four patients with already known CA. High-resolution comparative genomic hybridization analysis (HR-CGH) allowed us to not only identify all of the CAs that were not revealed by CGH, but also to detect the breakpoints and to determine the size of chromosomal imbalance.

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Melen E.; Granell R.; Kogevinas M.; Strachan D.; Gonzalez J.R.; Wjst M.; Jarvis D.; Ege M.; Braun-Fahrlaender C.; Genuneit J.; Horak E.; Bouzigon E.; Demenais F.; Kauffmann F.; Siroux V.; Michel S.; von Berg A.; Heinzmann A.; Kabesch M.; Probst-Hensch N.M.; Curjuric I.; Imboden M.; Rochat T.; Henderson J.; Sterne J.A.C.; McArdle W.L.; Hui J.; James A.L.; Musk A.W.; Palmer L.J.; Becker A.; Kozyrskyj A.L.; Chan-Young M.; Park J.E.; Leung A.; Daley D.; Freidin M.B.; Deev I.A.; Ogorodova L.M.; Puzyrev V.P.; и др.
Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2013. 43(4), 463-474
DOI: 10.1111/cea.12054

Background: Both asthma and obesity are complex disorders that are influenced by environmental and genetic factors. Shared genetic factors between asthma and obesity have been proposed to partly explain epidemiological findings of co-morbidity between these conditions.

Objective: To identify genetic variants that are associated with body mass index (BMI) in asthmatic children and adults, and to evaluate if there are differences between the genetics of BMI in asthmatics and healthy individuals.

Methods: In total, 19 studies contributed with genome-wide analysis study (GWAS) data from more than 23 000 individuals with predominantly European descent, of whom 8165 are asthmatics.

Results: We report associations between several DENND1B variants (P = 2.2 × 10(-7) for rs4915551) on chromosome 1q31 and BMI from a meta-analysis of GWAS data using 2691 asthmatic children (screening data). The top DENND1B single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) were next evaluated in seven independent replication data sets comprising 2014 asthmatics, and rs4915551 was nominally replicated (P < 0.05) in two of the seven studies and of borderline significance in one (P = 0.059). However, strong evidence of effect heterogeneity was observed and overall, the association between rs4915551 and BMI was not significant in the total replication data set, P = 0.71. Using a random effects model, BMI was overall estimated to increase by 0.30 kg/m(2) (P = 0.01 for combined screening and replication data sets, N = 4705) per additional G allele of this DENND1BSNP. FTO was confirmed as an important gene for adult and childhood BMI regardless of asthma status.

Conclusions and clinical relevance: DENND1B was recently identified as an asthma susceptibility gene in a GWAS on children, and here, we find evidence that DENND1B variants may also be associated with BMI in asthmatic children. However, the association was overall not replicated in the independent data sets and the heterogeneous effect of DENND1B points to complex associations with the studied diseases that deserve further study.

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Rowsey R., Kashevarova A., Murdoch B., Dickenson C., Woodruff T., Cheng E., Hunt P., Hassold T.
American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A. 2013. 161(10), 2495-2503.
DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.a.36120

A variety of hypotheses have been proposed to explain the association between trisomy and increasing maternal age in humans, virtually all of which assume that the underlying mechanisms involve meiotic errors. However, recently Hultén and colleagues [Hulten et al., 2010b] proposed a provocative model-the Oocyte Mosaicism Selection Model (OMSM)-that links age-dependent trisomy 21 to pre-meiotic errors in the ovary. Specifically, they propose that nondisjunctional events occur in a proportion of germ cells as they mitotically proliferate, resulting in mosaicism for trisomy 21. Assuming that the presence of an additional chromosome 21 delays meiotic progression, these cells would be ovulated later in reproductive life, resulting in an age-dependent increase in aneuploid eggs. Because this model has important clinical implications, we initiated studies to test it. We first analyzed oocytes from two trisomy 21 fetuses, combining immunostaining with FISH to determine the likelihood of detecting the additional chromosome 21 at different stages of meiosis. The detection of trisomy was enhanced during the earliest stage of prophase (leptotene), before homologs synapsed. Accordingly, in subsequent studies we examined the chromosome content of leptotene oocytes in seven second trimester female fetuses, analyzing three chromosomes commonly associated with human trisomies (i.e., 13, 16, and 21). In contrast to the prediction of the OMSM, we found no evidence of trisomy mosaicism for any chromosome. We conclude that errors in pre-meiotic germ cells are not a major contributor to human aneuploidy and do not provide an explanation for the age-related increase in trisomic conceptions.

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